
Tuesday 4 September 2018

Story of Damnation "Dr Faustus".

"Story of Damnation"

Doctor Faustus is one of the most famous play by Christopher Marlowe.

For more information about the task 

1) The play directed by Matthew Dunster for Globe theatre ends with this scene (see the image of Lucifer). What does it signify?

Hell, become reality at the end of the play "Dr. Faustus".

The last scene of Lucifer with wide wings signifies that Evil enjoying his victory on God. His wide wings show power, his expression and smile show cruelty in a photo of Lucifer. He was laughing and celebrating the defeat of god.

Dr. Faustus wants to become a knowledgeable person because he thinks that when he knows everything he will be like god, but his way of getting knowledge was wrong. End of the play he feels regret and he prey god to save him but god was helpless to save Dr. Faustus. We can see clearly a victory of Lucifer in the last scene of the play and he becomes more powerful after taking the soul of Dr. Faustus.

2) Is God present in the play? If yes, where and how? If No, why?

Yes, God is present in the play

"Good angel as a symbol"
"Old man as a good Human being"
"Chorus as a soul of god"

·       I note that good angel is the voice of consciousness of Dr. Faustus, it's some kind of spirituality in Dr. Faustus. She urges Dr. Faustus to repent and serve god.

·       Old man is like a cryptic character in the play.
He is seen in the last part of the play. He was the last to try by God to save Dr. Faustus. The old man also urges to Dr. Faustus to repent god.

·       The role of the chorus to provide a commentary on the events of a play. I note that at last in the play chorus as a voice of God, so I can say chorus is a soul of god.

One thing hurt here that
"God and Good Things" present in the play but in last Evil wins. 

3) What reading and interpretation can be given to this image 
(see the image of Daedalus and Icarus) with reference to central theme of the play Dr. Faustus?

This is the image of two Greek mythological character
 The father Daedalus and his son Icarus.

Story of Dr. Faustus referred to one another story 
- Greek mythology "Myth of Icarus"

Daedalus gets an idea of How to escape the prison an escape plan was to make wings with the help of beeswax and feather. They decided that we will fly on normal height and Daedalus warn to Icarus that doesn’t go to height otherwise the wax will melt because of the sun and you will fall down.

Icarus was not satisfied with what he had and he tries to reach beyond his limits. When he goes closer to the sun wax melting and he fell into the sea.
Moral of the story

·       Don’t go beyond your limits…
·       Listen experienced people and follow his advise.

·       The difference between stupidity and 
genius is that genius has its limits.
-Albert Einstein

4) How do you interpret this painting?

This is a painting of Landscape with "The Fall of Icarus", Painted by Pieter Bruegel the Elder.

We can note that icarus fall into sea and he is dying but who care ? There are 3 persons present at a place on different height but no one want to save even they are not look at that side.
·       Nearest person busy to catch fish but he not tries to save icarus.
It's symbol of "Priority"
to catch fish or to save Icarus.

·       Shepherd is looking at the sky and sheep are busy to graze grass. Symbol of "Ignore". 

·       Farmer is busy to plough his's Symbol of
Selfishness of Society,
Importance of own work.

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