
Monday 28 January 2019

Pre task for Frankenstein: Dream world

1) When did you have a dream?

Whenever go anywhere to wander so after that trip, sometimes in mood less time, sometime i slept in new place.

2) What did you see in your dream?
          I have seen various types of dream as per mental situation, sometime in beginning I wake up suddenly with fright, I felt like I have missed step when I'm on staircase. Few things were going abnormal and I don't want to share.

            When I'm happy at that time I am going on long road trip with my some close friends. I found mobiles, money of other countries and technological instrument from anywhere.

3) Based on your dream if you are asked to create something, What type of creation would be there?

4) The creation will be ugly or beautiful?
It depends on my mood

5) If ugly, why? If beautiful, why?

6) What are your interpretations for the word 'monster'?

          Natural Calamities are monster, there is no any types of real monster in reality like Frankenstein. Somewhere Inhuman activities are like monster.  

7) Have you ever visited such kind of places which has some connections with horror and terror?

          Whenever I wandered alone in heritage place like ભૂજિયો ગઢ, જોધપુર ગઢ, તાલધ્વજની એભલની રાજસભાની ગુફા,ચાંપાનેર... at that time I can visualize that all the things are going live in front of me, these all things came in dreams sometimes.

ભૂજિયો ગઢ
  This fort have seen 6 wars in it's life and still it is there to protect graveyard of warriors and all memories. I attached with few things so for a few days I'm live mentally there so horror dreams came. 


I can feel that still it’s throb to protect people.

Learning with Earning, talk with an author Dr. Vishal bhadani.

Learning with Earning

First Session

          During the first session Vishal Bhadani talked about his main stories. He has read two stories in drametic way, he gave his view about form of writing. Mostly people confused about the 'Starting' of the story, how to start, which theme we have to choose, but he said in basic level we can start by daily experience.

I asked question to him
Which things we have to write so people like to read that
Reality or fantasy ???

          He replied that whatever we felt in reality, if real incident we have faced and we write it with attractive sentence than it will be good and there are different types of readers, a few like fully imaginary story also, so it is depend on our writing. He given tips to write with various ideas.

Second Session
"Hard but Hopeful Session"
          I was mood less in first session but when he started second session really I enjoyed a lot and learned lots of things with new hope of carrier WORLD OF TRANSLATION. He given some words to translate Gujarati to English ડામ દેવો, ભારંડ પક્ષી... me and my bench mates were laughing with new tasks it was hard but it was very curious. Students of English subjects are live normally with one attitude that Yes we are something different, we are learning hard and classic but if others give this types of task to translate Gujarati to English than it became terrible for a few minutes. We finished one translation task in the end of the session it was very curious.

Joy in translation with freelance Job

          We can make our carrier in translation field, there are many types of translation work like.
Literary Translation
Administrative Translation
Legal Translation
Commercial Translation
General Translation

We can learn and Earn with Entertainment

Amazing Information given by him

1) શેક્સપિયરની કૃતિનું ગુજરાતી ટ્રાન્સલેશન સૌપ્રથમ વાર નરભેરામ દવે દ્વારા થયેલું જે ભાવનગર સાથે જોડાયેલા હતા અને પ્રોફેસર કાઠિયાવાડી તરીકે ઓળખાતા.

2) ગાંધીજી ટ્રાન્સલેશન માટે B.M.Balsani ડિક્શનરી ઉપયોગમાં લેતા હતા.

Thanks to Dr Dilip Barad Sir for arranging these kinds of workshop.

Sunday 27 January 2019

Interaction with France Professors

Interaction with France Professors

          One international student Ndoricimpa Clement doing research in our department so sometime I talked with him, I asked many questions to him about his study and about his country, a few questions was rubbish also, some related to famous product, which things he likes, which dislikes in India. When I mat foreigners I asked like this types of questions but now I have started journey to learn and understand literature in Department of English so my questions and views are changed.

          On 22nd Jan, 2019 we got surprise meeting in daily schedule with professors of University of Lorraine. Prof. Saeed Paivandi and Prof. Fontanini Christine visited Maharaja Krishnakumarsinhji Bhavnagar University. They came to our English department and Professor of Economics department Kishor Joshi introduced them.

          On that day i was hurt by one thing  in the beginning  when Prof. Saeed Paivandi proved that you all are poor in knowledge of Geography,  it is shameful for us, suddenly I downloaded google street view application and started to view various places in world map.

when I got chance, I asked one question that
Social world is everywhere different so say common things and
new trends in sociology in france.

          They said many things about social differences,but unfortunately I was not able to understand few things what they said. They both were giving different views about social activity of France, revolutionary nature of French people, 
(The movement is motivated by rising fuel prices, high cost of living, and claims that a disproportionate burden of the government's tax reforms were falling on the working and middle classes, especially in rural and peri-urban areas.)how much they have to study for good job. There are many things diffrent and a few are common as my country has, so think that 
(કાગડા બધે કાળા જ હોય
but I liked to interact with them because they accepted good and bad things and said boldly reality of France and we only praise our country when we go anywhere. Thank you so much sir for this eduacational interaction.