
Monday 28 January 2019

Pre task for Frankenstein: Dream world

1) When did you have a dream?

Whenever go anywhere to wander so after that trip, sometimes in mood less time, sometime i slept in new place.

2) What did you see in your dream?
          I have seen various types of dream as per mental situation, sometime in beginning I wake up suddenly with fright, I felt like I have missed step when I'm on staircase. Few things were going abnormal and I don't want to share.

            When I'm happy at that time I am going on long road trip with my some close friends. I found mobiles, money of other countries and technological instrument from anywhere.

3) Based on your dream if you are asked to create something, What type of creation would be there?

4) The creation will be ugly or beautiful?
It depends on my mood

5) If ugly, why? If beautiful, why?

6) What are your interpretations for the word 'monster'?

          Natural Calamities are monster, there is no any types of real monster in reality like Frankenstein. Somewhere Inhuman activities are like monster.  

7) Have you ever visited such kind of places which has some connections with horror and terror?

          Whenever I wandered alone in heritage place like ભૂજિયો ગઢ, જોધપુર ગઢ, તાલધ્વજની એભલની રાજસભાની ગુફા,ચાંપાનેર... at that time I can visualize that all the things are going live in front of me, these all things came in dreams sometimes.

ભૂજિયો ગઢ
  This fort have seen 6 wars in it's life and still it is there to protect graveyard of warriors and all memories. I attached with few things so for a few days I'm live mentally there so horror dreams came. 


I can feel that still it’s throb to protect people.

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