
Saturday 30 November 2019

Thinking Activity: Education and Technology

Thinking Activity: Education and Technology

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In this ongoing technological era, every day we become familiar with a new kind of technology. Almost everything from education to shopping becomes online. There are many software developed for bringing a new education system. It is not the era in which only we can teach or learn in the classroom with chalk and blackboard but we can also learn by accessing certain apps and websites which are available on the digital platform. many traditional people do not like this idea because it creates a threat to their position. But there are people like Sugata Mitra and Salman Khan who thinks about the welfare of the young generation.

Changing Paradigms by Ken Robinson

In this video, he talks about changing the education system of the country and two factors that affect the changing phase of the education system. Economic and Culture, these are two factors. He also talks about the current education system that was designed for different ages. He says about twin pillars of economic and intellectual. Academic people are considered as smart while nonacademic people are considered as non-smart. This is not true in this age. If we look at sports personalities or celebrities, they are not much educated but they are smart and earn a lot of money. And at a last, he also satirizes on the current education system because it believes that education is only for pass exams not to develop critical thinking.

Sugata Mitra: on SOLE and future of learning 

He is a well-known personality his school on the cloud is a learning lab in India. On this platform, one can learn from each other by using resources. In his project, he gave an idea of SOLE.

SOLE- Self Organized language Environment. 

          He started his project in the slum area where he put a computer on the wall and after that out of curiosity children started to learn it by themselves. This supports the idea of self-learning. He also talks about examination threats and punishment. He also contrasted the old and newer education system. In the new system use of technology can help the teacher to bring the world in the classroom. For the future he also gave a new idea of an examination system which is good than the older examination system.

Salman Khan: Let's use video to reinvent education

          Video is a new form of learning anywhere and at any place without the help of any teacher. The important matter is that this system encourages a student to do homework in class and learn at home. For example, a student can learn at home by viewing the video and ask the questions to the teacher in the classroom. On his application Khan Academy provides different courses. Anyone can join it at free of cost. And I like that it also provides a transcript of the video. And all videos are designed as someone is writing on the board. So if anyone likes to teach in that manner, they also like the video. He also talks about his personal experience behind founding Khan Academy.

Marc Prensky: Digital Natives and immigration

          Here he used the word digital natives for the students who used technology in a good manner. In the 21st century almost every young student use technology. In our department also we use mobile phones and laptops to learn something new. Also, there is fun in learning through technology. We use T.V and mobile phones for teaching or playing video games. Almost everyone started to use facebook and Whatsapp. These are known as digital natives while digital Immigrant does not like this idea.

David Crystal: The Effect of New Technologies on English

          There are some traditional people who do not like technology. Because with the help of the internet there are some changes occur in the English language. Internet and communication tools such as Whatsapp, facebook, twitter, and Instagram create a new form of language. It is known as slang words also. Our conversation becomes very short.

Good Morning- gm
Good Night- gn
I Don't Know- IDK

In this way, he talks about the changing effect of new technologies in English.

David Crystal: The Biggest Challenge for English Language Teachers in the times of Internet and
Texting is 'Good' for English Language

          Because of the generation gap, we can find this problem in any classroom. With the help of technology, everything is changing every day. So that teacher has to be familiar with everyday changes. So he can teach students in a better way. Also, some teachers do not allow us to use a mobile phone in the classroom. It may become an obstacle in the learning process. If the teacher only teaches a particular France or Britain English with the correct pronunciation. It also happens that a student cannot communicate with the world. He also says that by texting also we can learn the language. Whatsapp, Twitter, and Facebook are tools where we can learn by texting also. So here the texting is not only for a kid. Younger people can also learn through it.

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