
Wednesday 3 April 2019

Thinking Activity on Derrida and Deconstruction.

Thinking Activity on Derrida and Deconstruction.

1) What do you understand by 'Deconstruction'? (Remember: if you think you understand Deconstruction, you don't.)

          This term is very difficult to understand and to define because Derrida himself refuses to define the term 'Deconstruction' by saying that All other terms we use in philosophy or literary criticism even deconstruction can't be once and finally define, students and scholars often want something clear cut in define so Derrida becomes very difficult philosopher to read and the term Deconstruction become very difficult to define. Deconstruction is not word and not believe in dictionary meaning as dictionary gives only another word or we can say it decentralized only another word for one word or we can say it decentralized from center.

2) Read an ad or TV serial or Film or literary text as post-structuralist critic. Be brief, precise and to the point.

          In this advertisement, in the function of matakifod girls are there so as we know that feminism movement is going on. They showed the girls are there and how they connected it with the long hairs. It's a kind of emotional weapon which are used in this…

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