
Thursday 29 November 2018

Review on Robinson Crusoe Movie.

            We have watched the film of Robinson Crusoe which was directed by Luis Bunuel. Robinson Crusoe is a novel by Daniel Defoe. The story has been based on the life of Alexander Selkirk. Who lived for four years on a pacific Island, here Robinson Crusoe lived almost 28 years 2 months and 19 Days on that Island.

            There is larger difference between movie and Novel, because many scenes were not covered by Luis Bunuel in film of Robinson Crusoe. In the film we can see only last voyage through Robinson Crusoe reaches at the Island. When he reached on that Island and than all incidents followed by director as novel in the movie.

In film we find some major themes like

• Adventure
• Progress
• Patriarchal society

• Master slave relationship

            (The policy or practice of acquiring full or partial political control over another country, occupying it with settlers, and exploiting it economically.)

            Robinson’s behavior with Friday was cruel. He talks with Friday in higher tone as like his boss or  master. Robinson Crusoe's relationship to Friday, which is a microcosm of the British empire's relationships with indigenous people.

            We can connect with good music effects and adventurous visual in movie like we are also part of that Island.

Post viewing activity on Hamlet

1) How faithful is the movie to the original play?

           Yes, The movie "Hamlet" by Kenneth Branagh in my point of view very Faithful to the original play. They used every dialogue from the movie so I can say it is very authentic to the book. One thing  that he used some extra scene and good techniques to make more creative movie but the main theme or purpose of movie is on the right track.

Originality is really important. -(Jim Carrey)

2) After watching the movie, have your perception about play, characters or situations changed?

          According to my interpretation about some characters and scenes are changed. In the film hamlet is portrayed as too old than the real Prince Hamlet in the play who is very young. Ophelia is also a powerful character. We can note that Gertrude was not happy because of the death of King Hamlet, but while in the movie we find that Gertrude was quite happy after the death of King Hamlet. In movie there are some situation describe in a very smooth way in original play there were saying in a different way.

3) Do you feel ‘aesthetic delight’ while watching the movie? If yes, exactly when did it happen? If no, can you explain with reasons?

          In the movie I can feel aesthetic delight, it is so when Ophelia becomes mad just after her father’s death that too in the love of Hamlet and not in the grief of her dead father.

4) Do you feel ‘catharsis’ while or after watching movie? If yes, exactly when did it happen? If no, can you explain with reasons?

          I feel catharsis in the play, it is so when Hamlet returned from Wittenberg to Denmark, He hears the sudden death of his father and his mother grabbed by his uncle. The over hasty marriage of his mother with his uncle he gets shattered.

          When Ophelia gone mad. The madness of Ophelia is very miserable. I feel pity and fear that how innocent Ophelia turns to madness because of the three men in her life. Her father who abuse her for his own motives, her brother Laertes also involves in the same. Hamlet also used abusing words for her.

5) Does screening of movie help you in better understanding of the play?
          Yes, the screening of the movie helps me a lot in better understanding of the play. We remind them in a better way with each and every incident connected to them when we see all characters performing lively in the film.

6) Was there any particular scene or moment in the movie that you will cherish lifetime?

હણનારને હણવામાં કોઈ પાપ નથી. (ગીતા ઉપદેશ)
      With this lesson I would like to cherish lifetime is the scene of Claudius’s death, this scene depicts the loyalty of a son for his father; here Hamlet at last kills Claudius the murderer of King Hamlet his father.

7) If you are director, what changes would you like to make in the remaking of movie on Shakespeare’s ‘Hamlet’ ?

          I would like to shown Hamlet as a young price of Denmark. As a hero of the play he will be stronger than other minor characters. Character of Ophelia was also weaked in Kenneth Branagh's play . I would like to presented her role as a heroin of the play. There are many unnecessary scene also.

8) What does the fallen statue signifies ?

          In the beginning of the movie, camera rolls over the statue of king Hamlet outside the Elsinore castle and the movie ends with the similar sequence wherein the statue of the king Hamlet is hammered down to the dust.
          This fall of statue symbolically represent the fall of the dynasty of the king Hamlet,  or we can say that there remain no heir of king Hamlet and his rule over Denmark ends. The fall of the statue also signifies that at the end after death nothing remains, all things like pride, rule, money destroy with the cycle of the immortal time on the mortal things. I can say that perhaps Kenneth Branagh wants wants to say that ' Revenge' is not the right moral answer.

9) While studying the play through movie, which approach do you find more applicable to the play? Why? Give reasons with illustrations.

There are many approaches are applicable like:

Historical and Biographical Approach
Moral and Philosophical Approach
Psychological Approach
Mythological Approach
Feminist Approach

          While studying the play through play I found that Philosophical and Psychological approach are applicable on the play.

          Hamlet was the university student and also the Philosopher and sharper minded. We can see that he is driven by Psychological complexes. When Claudius alone while he was praying, at that time he had a great opportunity to kill him but he didn't. He thought that if he would kill him while praying then his soul would go to the heaven which Hamlet never want. Here Psychological approach is as well as applicable.

          When anybody kills one family member at that time others said and inspire to other family person that you must have to take revenge of your relative. When any persons fails to take revenge at that time others will laugh and because of this fear they have to suffer mentally bad. In the play Hamlet wanted to take revenge on Claudius as he was the murder of his father. Hamlet always unconsciously wanted to do whatever his uncle Claudius done because of the oedipus complex.

10) Which of the above mentioned approaches (in Pre-viewing task) appeals you more than other?Why? Give reasons.

          Before watching movie I found that only Psychological and Feminist approaches were more appropriate. Gertrude grabbed by Claudius but she was very well treated by Claudius. When she remarried Claudius Hamlet started to feel some kind of hatred towards her. Every woman has a right to live her life in which way she wants to live. Ophelia a lover of Hamlet. He also used many times abusing words for Ophelia.

Wednesday 28 November 2018

Review on Lagaan Movie.

"Everyone want to eat but 

only few want to hunt"

"Everyone want to eat but only few want to hunt"
Indian people's mentality I've seen in Lagaan movie.

Movie start with engraved coin of queen Elizabeth it was showing that britisher were ruler of indian kings as well as people.

-Entry of Hero

They shown Bhuvan 5 second mysterious but we get that he is protector of animal and in next seen they started to give hint of love story of Bhuvan and Gauri with music of flute...

-Two Hope
One was natural by Bhagvan...."Rain"
Another was created by Bhuvan..."Cricket"

When clouds come with hopes of rain Bagha Play a Dhol with joy...
And they use Santur for background sound....

And than second tym Bhuvan hits a ball with bat and it's touch to bell of temple here they shawn second hope and Bagha again play a Dhol for encourage and make hope too strong...

-Women characters

Birth Giver
when no one was there to give support to Bhuvan at that time his mother was there to give backup in front of all...

Gauri comes at night to meet bhuvan and she also encourage to bhuvan,She also said that your decision is right and I'm with you...

Captain Russel was doing wrong with villagers thats way Elizabeth helps to villagers. We can say she is playing role as a Vibhishan in movie...

May be director want to say us that
One women is behind every successful person...

-Love Story

Gauri,Gori...and Bhuvan.

Director make triangle here in love story.Bhuvan not understand proposal of Elizabeth because language was English, Bhuvan's leadership was good and his heart was pure that's way may be Elizabeth fallen in love with Bhuvan.

They use language mistakes to create comedy in various scenes...
-we laugh when people don't know about cricket and they give response stupidly...
-example empire gives symbol of wicket that time people look at sky as a idiot.

-One good thing they do"acting for comedy" it is really good but it's very hard...

-Best scene Conversion
Painter was drawing picture of king and in background dialogue was going with best way....
One other thing that it's showing how king lives life with high profile...

-Best Photography

Director use shadow photography in some scenes. It was best in during team built up song and in love scene.

-Best Ideology of Director

They shawn "Sweat,Blood and Tears" in one shot in end of cricket match,It's very touchy symbols.

"Sweat- Hard work"
"Blood- Persecution"
"Tears- High level Confidence"

-Subaltern Theory

Many people like bhuvan in our country, they sacrifice their life for freedom but we don't know about them.lagaan it's not big moment for freedom but it's spark of freedom.

Online discussion: Ideas given by Vargas Llosa

      Mario Vargas Llosa is a Peruvian writer, politician, journalist, essayist and college professor. Vargas Llosa is one of Latin America's most significant novelists and essayists, and one of the leading writers of his generation. He was awarded the noble prize for literature in 2010. His most recent novel is “The Neighborhood”. He has faced an interview for his recent novel, the interview was taken by Michael Skafidas.

Interview link- Click here 

In this Interview he has given many best ideas with apt examples.

 If you respect Literature you must accept not only idealist, altruistic vision of human being but also the infernal vision of them. Literature reflects society and human beings , what happens around us , that represented in it as a aim of better performance of human beings on a stage like society .

         Georges Bataille said that in Human beings there are Angles and Devils. Sometimes the Angles are important but for literature, devils are also important too.

          feminism now has a kind of problem. It has become very sectarian, very dogmatic, and I think you have to criticize and oppose these trends.
Some points I've write with help of senior.

The Problem of Feminism
idea of feminism
ideas with images
Most of the view of historian
ideas of Global
related with Literature
Sartre's idea.



according  to my point of view
we live in Post-truth age

If anyone take decision from higher position public will think it is always right,
may be they done 5 works good but not 50 but people will see only these 5 works that it is shown by that politician.

When any politician or big celebrity or baba tell us anything  people don’t think deeply about it and they start believe in them, mostly emotional people will follow them.We are live in 21st century but still we are not think and politician pull our minds to believe as per his or her ideas.

-some social sites through false information spread by IT cell of different politician and we believe that it is true whatever they shown in digits.

·         if we talk about india before 71 years "Rajvada" (Rule by King) there and now "Natvada" (Casteism),Dharmvada (Religionism) in India. So if anyone can speak for Religion or Caste he will become idol person of that person those who are not rational person.

-Partition of india
-Current situation of politics of india

Wednesday 21 November 2018

Thinking activity: Coleridge's Biographia Literaria.

Samuel Taylor Coleridge
Biographia Literaria: Chapter 14

          Biographia Literaria by S.T.Coleridge is a great literary work. Coleridge’s written critical work is contained in 24 chapters of Biographia Literaria (1815-17). In chapter XIV of Biographia Literaria, Coleridge has discussed his view on nature and function of poetry, and difference between poem and poetry. Difference between prose and poem also.

Q.1) write in your words the difference between poem and prose.

Definition of poem :-
It is a written in the format of rhymes and rhythm si.and also has some imagination.

Definition of prose :-
It is written or spoken language in its ordinary form without metrical structure.

Difference between poem and prose:

          Poem is something which written by the use of meter, rhyme, diction etc, and prose is something which written unrhyme. Meter and rhyme etc are use in poem but they are not use in prose.

Objects of Poemand Prose

-        The Immediate object of poem is 'PLEASURE', not truth but sometimes poem maybe gave truth as  ultimate object.

-        The prose work like Scientific and historical composition , the immediate purpose of prose is the communication of  'Truth'. Other prose works like novels, to give pleasure is immediate aim and the ultimate end maybe  to give truth.

Q.2) write in your words the difference between poem and poetry.

Definition of poetry:

          Poetry is a type of literature based on the interplay of words and rhythm. It often employs rhyme and meter . In poetry words are strung together to form of sounds , images and ideas that might be to complex to describe directly.

Difference between poem and poetry

          Poem is a form of poetry. Poem is a writing which has melody, meter and rhyme, while poetry without any meter and rhyme, can directly be connected with heart of a poet or reader.
- Is merely one of the forms of poet's  expression.

          Coleridge says that the poetry is a wider than poem, it brings the whole soul of the man. Poetry of the highest kind may exist without metre and even without the contradistinguishing object of a poem. Poetry is the art of creating a poem.
-Activity of poets mind.

Thinking activity on Wordsworth's Preface to Lyrical Ballad.

         Lyrical Ballads is a collection of poems by William Wordsworth and Samuel Coleridge. Title of collection recalls rustic form of art. French revolution had deep influence on Romanticist and Wordsworth. Liberty- Equality- Fraternity are three watchword of the  French revolution and inspired Wordsworth and other romantic posts.

Q.1] What is the basic difference between the poetic creed of  'Classicism' and 'Romanticism'?

          Difference between classicism and romanticism. They are two ideologies. he points which differenciated Classicism and Romanticism are given below:-

Intellect and Imagination
          Classical writers were believed in intellectual but the Romantics writers were believed in imagination.

Classical and Medieval
          Classical poets were followed classical masters like Plato , Aristotle,  Socrates but Romantics poets were followed medieval poets and writers.

Restraints and Liberty
          Romantic writers Were not believed any kind of restrictions but they believed in liberty and Freedom of emotions and imagination but classical writers believed in restrictions. In Romanticism there is free play of imagination, poet is free to express his feelings and thoughts in a work of art.

Urban and Rustic life
            In Classical works city or urban life represented where as in Romantic works rustic life and country side glorious life represented. The rustic life attracts them more rather than the city dwellers.

Objectivity and Subjectivity
           Classical writers were believed in objective and Romantic writers believed in subjective.
Example- The line from Wordsworth's Daffodills  "Spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings", the first two words spontaneous overflow represents subjectivity.

          So these are the basic difference of both writers . They have different approaches for life and different way to looking work. So they are two different ideology. They different for each other in techniques of writing and subject they choose.

Q.2] Why does Wordsworth say 'What" is poet? rather than who is poet ?

          Wordsworth in "preface to lyrical ballad" says that -He wants to wrote these poems and lyrical ballad in the language really used by man. His friends Coleridge in his "BIOGRAPHIA LITERARIA" asked some questions on poetic diction are -'what do you actually mean by language really used by man ? Which man? What reality? Which real man? etc. Wordsworth's ans: " He finds humble and rustic life to be with emotions which are more genuine words, diction of those people who are more closer to genuineness. He says that a poet is more comprehensive, a better human being. Wordsworth says about 'what is poet' rather than 'who is poet'.

Q.3]  What is poetic diction? Which sort of poetic diction is suggested by Wordsworth  in his preface ?

          Wordsworth say what is poet rather than who is poet because he focus upon the role of poet. He endowed with more lively sensibility, enthusiasm, tenderness, He has greater knowledge of human nature.

          Poet creates the things which is not exist in the world. He habitually creates situation and passions where they do not exist . The poet is who rejoices more than other men in spirit of life.

Q.4]  What is poetry ?

Wordsworth gives definition of poetry

" Poetry is the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings it takes origin from emotion recollected in tranquility. "

     So poetry gives happiness and it related with human emotions and recollecting nature and recollection in tranquility. Wordsworth is the only poet who takes this definition of poetry after Dryden in his Preface.

Q.5]  Discuss 'Daffodils - I wandered lonely as a cloud'with reference to Wordsworth's poetic creed.

Daffodils  (1804) Written by Wordsworth in 4 stanzas.
First stanza I wandered lonely as a cloud... Ten thousand saw I at a glance. This poem is good example of language and grammar. When poet remembers Daffodils tranquility vanishes and Spontaneity of happiness comes again.

          Wordsworth wrote about nature in his poetry. His main theme of poetry is based on nature. In this poem Daffodils he described beautifulness of nature. If we observed by stanza and if we minutely observe it we can find or see that the tranquility of recollection is happens. He has used figures like: Cloud, vales, hills, lake, trees, breeze, stars, Milky way and through that he has described beauty of nature.

વ્યક્તિ વિશેષ,યુવક મહોત્સવ 2018

ઉખડેલા આંબા ન ઉગે,
ઘરે ઉગેલા આભે પુગે...(શ્રીધરાણી)

Some people are like an iceberg,
only one-tenth of their personality would be visible. 

I am talking about

the person who worked hard for cultural events in the past. That's why the title of our various stage name was inspired or given by their name in Youth Festival, Mahendrasir Parmar gave this 'Title Idea' to cultural committee. I made my blog on that great artists.

Krishnalal Shridharani

Krishnalal Jethalal Shridharani was born in Umrala near Bhavnagar on 16 September 1911. He was an Indian poet, playwright, and journalist. He was writing many things same flaw with Umashankar Joshi but after some time he went America for study so he started to work in other field. He went to US for further studies on the advice of James Pratt and Rabindranath Tagore, which made a lasting impression on his attitude.

Primary Education - Umrala
Secondary Education - Dakshinamurti Vinaymandir Bhavnagar

He joins Gujarat Vidhyapith in 1929 but didn't finish (joined Freedom Moment)

Graduation - Shantiniketan (1933) (Visva-Bharati University)
M.A. Degree - New York University with Sociology and Economics(1935)
MS- Graduate School of Journalism, Columbia University. (1936)
Ph.D. -  Columbia University with Sociology and Political Philosophy.
               He started writing for Amrita Bazar Patrika in 1945 and returned in India in the year 1946 and he started work as a journalist. He presided over the history and economics department of Gujarati Sahitya Parishad in 1946. He Considered the best journalist of India and America. He had a good relation with Jawaharlal Naheru at that time when he was working in Delhi. He worked with the Ministry of External Affairs for some time. He had wide-ranging contacts and was very friendly with a lot of leaders including Nehru, Mrs. Indira Gandhi, her husband, Phiroze Gandhi, and Dr. S.Radhakrishnan, as also a host of foreign dignitaries.


Sixteen plays.

1) Vadlo (a children's play) (1931),
2) Peela Palash (1934),
3) Piya Gori,
4) Dusku,
5)Dungali no Dado,
6) Sonpari,
7) Vijali,
8) Vrushal,
9) Mor na Inda are his other plays.
10) Padmini is a historical play.

First Poetry Collection

 Kodiya (1934)

Short story

Insan Mita Doonga
based on his experiences with inmates during imprisonment.


My India, My America (1941)

His original works in English include My India, My America (1941) which is about his experiences during his life in the US.

War without Violence

His book War without Violence had a great impact on the American civil rights movement

Warning to the West (1943)

Other Works
The Big Four of India (1941),
The Adventures of the Upside-Down Tree (1959),
Story of The Indian Telegraph (1953),
The Journalist in India (1956),
Smiles From Kashmir (1959)
The Mahatma and the World ( 1946). 

He contributed in several journals and newspapers including The New York Times and Vogue.

He married Sundari, artist daughter of noted Sindhi writer, philosopher, and nationalist, Dayaram Didumal, in March,1950. He was named for the Ranjitram gold medal for services to literature. Krihsnalal died unexpectedly on 23 July 1960, when he was hardly 49.

Khodidasbhai Parmar
(Jamini Roy Of Gujarat)

            He is considered as a Jamini Roy Of Gujarat.Jamini Roy is from Bengal. In India about folk paint art Jamini Roy is on top level.  As it is in the Folk Paint Art (Lok Chitra Kala) Khodidasbhai Parmar is on Top in Gujarat. He trained in art by Guru Somalal Shah.


SSC - Bhavnagar (1951)
MA - Shamaldas (Gujarati,Sanskrit)

He was a lecturer at the V.A.M.C. College in Bhavnagar in Gujarat. He also wrote and published several award winning books on the region like the Folk Embroidery of Saurashtra, Gujarati Folk Tales Collection and Krishna: Legend in Gujarati. 

His works are a part of several permanent collections like the Museum of Modern Art and National Art Gallery, both in New Delhi.
Khodidas Parmar passed away in March 2004.

Kiritsinhji Gohil

He was Personal Secretary of our Maharaja Saheb (Krishnakumarsinhji).He was son of Colonel Joravarsinhji. Joravarsinhji was Colonel of Bhavnagar Royal Army Troop. Our one troop of soldier gone in Germany during world warr time. At that time Balaad (Rasda) written in our Bhavanagar.

Few Lines-
"Jorubha bapu Jarmar jitine vela avjo."

Kiritsinhji wrote various script of drama at that time. Royal Family also helps a lot to female artist for present drama in state. They got good place and good property and costumes for drama with high quality budget. Drama troop was getting all facilities for Drama at that time.

These photos are proof of that richness of art.


Rasiklal Andhariya
(Classic voice of Bhavnagar)

Rasiklal Andhariya and Yashvantrai Purohit both is considered best classical singer of our cultural city Bhavnagar.

I heard that they both were student of Omkarnathji

Kalaguru Dharamshibhai Shah

(Oldest teacher of classical dance)

            Dharamshibhai Shah was born on 5 April 1920, In the age of seven he lost his father, and he lost his supportive brother in the age of nighteen. Dharamshibhai came in Bhavnagar from his native place Mandvi. Mulshankar Bhatt given support to settle in Bhavnagar. In the age of fifteen he seen classical dance of Pandit Udayashankar in Bhavnagar and than he attracted to learn rich classical dance form of India. He said in one interview that I want to live my life with Kathak Dance.

Dharamshibhai comleted his studies in Kathak from Gandharv Vidhyalay Mandal in 1963 and was the awarded the Gaurav Purskar by the state government. 

He entered into 

Limka Book of World Records as 

The Oldest Dance Teacher 

at the age of 96 in 2015.

He established 
Kalakshetra Sanstha in 1945 in Bhavnagar 
to teach classical dance. 

He wrote three Books
1) Gujarati,Hindi,English Dictionory
2) Nartan Darshan Part 1 (Discovery of Dance)
3) Nartan Darshan Part 2 (Discovery of Dance)

The Teacher Who 
Passed away with Dance
He always said that we have rich culture but why nobody trying to learn and enjoy our rich culture. Indian people given various seven Classical Dance to the world and others are from various country attracted towards our Dance form so it is our responsibility to save our rich culture.