
Wednesday 21 November 2018

Thinking activity: Coleridge's Biographia Literaria.

Samuel Taylor Coleridge
Biographia Literaria: Chapter 14

          Biographia Literaria by S.T.Coleridge is a great literary work. Coleridge’s written critical work is contained in 24 chapters of Biographia Literaria (1815-17). In chapter XIV of Biographia Literaria, Coleridge has discussed his view on nature and function of poetry, and difference between poem and poetry. Difference between prose and poem also.

Q.1) write in your words the difference between poem and prose.

Definition of poem :-
It is a written in the format of rhymes and rhythm si.and also has some imagination.

Definition of prose :-
It is written or spoken language in its ordinary form without metrical structure.

Difference between poem and prose:

          Poem is something which written by the use of meter, rhyme, diction etc, and prose is something which written unrhyme. Meter and rhyme etc are use in poem but they are not use in prose.

Objects of Poemand Prose

-        The Immediate object of poem is 'PLEASURE', not truth but sometimes poem maybe gave truth as  ultimate object.

-        The prose work like Scientific and historical composition , the immediate purpose of prose is the communication of  'Truth'. Other prose works like novels, to give pleasure is immediate aim and the ultimate end maybe  to give truth.

Q.2) write in your words the difference between poem and poetry.

Definition of poetry:

          Poetry is a type of literature based on the interplay of words and rhythm. It often employs rhyme and meter . In poetry words are strung together to form of sounds , images and ideas that might be to complex to describe directly.

Difference between poem and poetry

          Poem is a form of poetry. Poem is a writing which has melody, meter and rhyme, while poetry without any meter and rhyme, can directly be connected with heart of a poet or reader.
- Is merely one of the forms of poet's  expression.

          Coleridge says that the poetry is a wider than poem, it brings the whole soul of the man. Poetry of the highest kind may exist without metre and even without the contradistinguishing object of a poem. Poetry is the art of creating a poem.
-Activity of poets mind.

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