
Wednesday 7 November 2018

Thinking Activity: Paradise Lost by John Milton

John Milton

     John Milton was born on 9th December 1608 in London. He studied in Italy, Florencesiena and Rome. He's one of the masterpiece ‘Paradise Lost’ was published in 1667.  John Milton died at home on 8th November 1674.

        Paradise Paradise lost is an epic poem in blank verse by the 17th, Century English poet John Milton. The poem concerns the biblical story of the fall of man.

Q-1. Write a critical note on the character of

       As per the spiritual point of view, I have read in Paradise lost book IX that, Eve was made from Adam’s rib. Eve is the first woman and the mother of mankind. She is beautiful, wise, and able, she is superior to Adam only in her beauty.

        When she looks in the water and falls in love with her own reflection, Eve is linked to the flaw of vanity, and Satan as the serpent will use this defect against her. Eve first eats the Forbidden Fruit and then convinces Adam to eat it. Eve is responsible for disobedience and thus Fall of man.

Q.2-Whose arguments did you find more convincing?

    My point of view about that Satan's arguments was more convincing than Adam & Eve because Eve is easily tempted by satan. Satan finds some weak points about Eve, She was weaker than Adam. So satan decides to tempt or deceive her than Adam.

   One weak point was that She was very curious to know about it and that's why she was misled to the tree of prohibition by Satan. Eve also wondered how Serpent could also speak like her, Satan has a more convincing power so Eve easily believed and she convinces to eat the forbidden fruit. So Satan is the most powerful speaker in Paradise Lost and his argument is more powerful in my point of view.

Question 3.
How do you look at divine perspective  in The genesis of the holy bible and human  perspective  in John Milton's Paradise lost book IX?

"The center of literature is human beings."

        As per change of various generation people are also changing with his thoughts so they give his points also different than last generations. If we talk about divine perspective  in the Genesis of the holy bible and human  perspective  in John Milton's Paradise lost book IX than as per my point of view in the holy bible, god was in the center as Ram was believing in Ethics and Krishna was believing in Human-like that Adam and Eve are in the center of john Milton's Paradise lost book IX.

        Literary writers always took the side of human in the past, they can't be on the side of God or religion at the cost of humans. If humans will not live on the earth than who will live? as per holy bible Adam and Eve has to suffer in lots of problems that’s way as a literary writer John Milton has taken the side of humans.

Who knows about god?
but we know about humans…

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