
Saturday 10 November 2018

Activity on Dryden's Essay.

Activity on 
Dryden's Essay

For more information about the task
Click here.

Q 1- Do you find any difference between Aristotle's definition of tragedy and Dryden's definition of play?

Yes there is vast difference between Aristotle's definition of tragedy and Dryden's definition of the play. 

Aristotle says that
"Tragedy is an imitation of an action that is serious and also having magnitude complete in itself...."

and he ended his definition with the word 'catharsis'.

Dryden gives the definition of the play with two new words that is just and live. He says that a play must represent just and lively image of human nature. And he ended his definition with the word 'delight'.

2- If you are supposed to give your personal prediction,
would you be on the side of the Ancient or the modern? 

Upcoming generation is watching scenario from the shoulder of old generation and that's the way they can watch the far than the ancient.

My personal prediction in favor of Modern because as in Essay Eugenius ( Charles Sackville) was in favor of Moderns over the Ancient. It is also true that moderns times imitate things from ancient, but not whole things they imitate. Things are updated with lots of new ideas with knowledge and creation.

Q 3- Do you think that the arguments presented in favor of the
French plays and against English plays are appropriate?

- Some arguments presented in favor of the French plays by Lisideius against English plays are appropriate to some extent.

Example- We can't show Death (Gallows, Murder with Weapon)
- We can't show scenes like Rape, Violence
We can show this but we not able to convince audience 100 % in the scene.

- Some good points about English plays are very lively by nature, it has plot subplots which we do not find in French plays, It makes play interesting. French plays are like lifeless and don't have subplots as well. We can note narrowness of imagination, smallness, too little action in the French play that’s why I found the English play more appropriate.

Q 4- What would be your preference so far as a
poetic or prosaic dialogues are concerned in the play?

It depends on theme on character…but
We can Feel Something Special with Poetic way

I would like to go with poetic dialogues in the play. We are living life in prosaic way that’s way some time we need something extra ordinary and poetic way through we can feel something special, We can find life with poetic way. It is right that there is limitation in dialogue with poetic way but I feel that to use rhyme makes the play more beautiful and live.