
Thursday 29 November 2018

Post viewing activity on Hamlet

1) How faithful is the movie to the original play?

           Yes, The movie "Hamlet" by Kenneth Branagh in my point of view very Faithful to the original play. They used every dialogue from the movie so I can say it is very authentic to the book. One thing  that he used some extra scene and good techniques to make more creative movie but the main theme or purpose of movie is on the right track.

Originality is really important. -(Jim Carrey)

2) After watching the movie, have your perception about play, characters or situations changed?

          According to my interpretation about some characters and scenes are changed. In the film hamlet is portrayed as too old than the real Prince Hamlet in the play who is very young. Ophelia is also a powerful character. We can note that Gertrude was not happy because of the death of King Hamlet, but while in the movie we find that Gertrude was quite happy after the death of King Hamlet. In movie there are some situation describe in a very smooth way in original play there were saying in a different way.

3) Do you feel ‘aesthetic delight’ while watching the movie? If yes, exactly when did it happen? If no, can you explain with reasons?

          In the movie I can feel aesthetic delight, it is so when Ophelia becomes mad just after her father’s death that too in the love of Hamlet and not in the grief of her dead father.

4) Do you feel ‘catharsis’ while or after watching movie? If yes, exactly when did it happen? If no, can you explain with reasons?

          I feel catharsis in the play, it is so when Hamlet returned from Wittenberg to Denmark, He hears the sudden death of his father and his mother grabbed by his uncle. The over hasty marriage of his mother with his uncle he gets shattered.

          When Ophelia gone mad. The madness of Ophelia is very miserable. I feel pity and fear that how innocent Ophelia turns to madness because of the three men in her life. Her father who abuse her for his own motives, her brother Laertes also involves in the same. Hamlet also used abusing words for her.

5) Does screening of movie help you in better understanding of the play?
          Yes, the screening of the movie helps me a lot in better understanding of the play. We remind them in a better way with each and every incident connected to them when we see all characters performing lively in the film.

6) Was there any particular scene or moment in the movie that you will cherish lifetime?

હણનારને હણવામાં કોઈ પાપ નથી. (ગીતા ઉપદેશ)
      With this lesson I would like to cherish lifetime is the scene of Claudius’s death, this scene depicts the loyalty of a son for his father; here Hamlet at last kills Claudius the murderer of King Hamlet his father.

7) If you are director, what changes would you like to make in the remaking of movie on Shakespeare’s ‘Hamlet’ ?

          I would like to shown Hamlet as a young price of Denmark. As a hero of the play he will be stronger than other minor characters. Character of Ophelia was also weaked in Kenneth Branagh's play . I would like to presented her role as a heroin of the play. There are many unnecessary scene also.

8) What does the fallen statue signifies ?

          In the beginning of the movie, camera rolls over the statue of king Hamlet outside the Elsinore castle and the movie ends with the similar sequence wherein the statue of the king Hamlet is hammered down to the dust.
          This fall of statue symbolically represent the fall of the dynasty of the king Hamlet,  or we can say that there remain no heir of king Hamlet and his rule over Denmark ends. The fall of the statue also signifies that at the end after death nothing remains, all things like pride, rule, money destroy with the cycle of the immortal time on the mortal things. I can say that perhaps Kenneth Branagh wants wants to say that ' Revenge' is not the right moral answer.

9) While studying the play through movie, which approach do you find more applicable to the play? Why? Give reasons with illustrations.

There are many approaches are applicable like:

Historical and Biographical Approach
Moral and Philosophical Approach
Psychological Approach
Mythological Approach
Feminist Approach

          While studying the play through play I found that Philosophical and Psychological approach are applicable on the play.

          Hamlet was the university student and also the Philosopher and sharper minded. We can see that he is driven by Psychological complexes. When Claudius alone while he was praying, at that time he had a great opportunity to kill him but he didn't. He thought that if he would kill him while praying then his soul would go to the heaven which Hamlet never want. Here Psychological approach is as well as applicable.

          When anybody kills one family member at that time others said and inspire to other family person that you must have to take revenge of your relative. When any persons fails to take revenge at that time others will laugh and because of this fear they have to suffer mentally bad. In the play Hamlet wanted to take revenge on Claudius as he was the murder of his father. Hamlet always unconsciously wanted to do whatever his uncle Claudius done because of the oedipus complex.

10) Which of the above mentioned approaches (in Pre-viewing task) appeals you more than other?Why? Give reasons.

          Before watching movie I found that only Psychological and Feminist approaches were more appropriate. Gertrude grabbed by Claudius but she was very well treated by Claudius. When she remarried Claudius Hamlet started to feel some kind of hatred towards her. Every woman has a right to live her life in which way she wants to live. Ophelia a lover of Hamlet. He also used many times abusing words for Ophelia.

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