
Wednesday 28 November 2018



according  to my point of view
we live in Post-truth age

If anyone take decision from higher position public will think it is always right,
may be they done 5 works good but not 50 but people will see only these 5 works that it is shown by that politician.

When any politician or big celebrity or baba tell us anything  people don’t think deeply about it and they start believe in them, mostly emotional people will follow them.We are live in 21st century but still we are not think and politician pull our minds to believe as per his or her ideas.

-some social sites through false information spread by IT cell of different politician and we believe that it is true whatever they shown in digits.

·         if we talk about india before 71 years "Rajvada" (Rule by King) there and now "Natvada" (Casteism),Dharmvada (Religionism) in India. So if anyone can speak for Religion or Caste he will become idol person of that person those who are not rational person.

-Partition of india
-Current situation of politics of india

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