
Tuesday 23 July 2019

Movie rivew on Modern Times movie.

"Modern Times" movie directed by Charlie Chaplin.
It's well framed with creative ideas.

          I was thinking that this proverb of sheeple is only consider for our culture but I've seen in the movie, sheep were going and in next seen men were going in the same direction in-crowd.

CCTV and Bouncer

         We think normally that CCTV and bouncers are the new idea of company owners but no in the past owners are hiring bouncers to control labour workers...
    It is also prove that they were also technically intelligent because cctv through they were watching how work going on...

Life of labour (Charlie)

          By nature all person are not same as our fingers, some are physically weak so here as a worker Charlie was not able to handle work properly. When any fault came at that time all workers were fighting with each other and they did not support to each others.
Labours life was like machine
   Owners did experiment on Human (food eating machine) at that time comic scene created by Charlie but actually it is sad thing as a human being.


          Another important lady character which was portrayed very well that of lady Gamin, whose father was jobless so she was doing activities like stealing of food so we can say that burning issue of contemporary time of unemployment was also there.

Jail Culture

      I have noticed that charlie has not any problem to go in prison because he was getting food and bed to do rest and out of jail it was hard to get roof...

Non Skill Worker

       Human resource management was not proper because workers were not able to work proper than also they were hired by owners so they were making mistakes again and again so it is actually loss for development.


        As a normal person they both were dreaming one House, where they can get fresh graps at door and pure cow milk at a door. Cow given milk automatically it was showing age of machinery.


        How was the life of workers we can see, we are shouting that past time was good than contemporary period but no actually they were suffering same issues in past.

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