
Sunday 21 July 2019

Thinking activity on Modernist Poetry.

This blog is a part of my classroom activity in which we have to identify modern metaphors in these short poems. Before starting this, it is necessary to understand about Modernism.

What is Modernism?

Image result for modernism

Modernism is a period in literary history which started around the early 1990s and continued until the early 1940s. This movement rejected traditional values and techniques, and emphasized the importance of individual experience. This movement has also been driven by various social and political agenda. The Modern age been called “the age of  anxiety”

Modernism includes Imagism, Cubism, Futurism, Dadaism, Expressionism, Surrealism, Symbolism, Impressionism and Existentialism.

After 1900, we could find a lot of tremendous activities in the field of poetry as well as in the other field of literature.

Characteristic of modern poetry

Modern poetry often features disrupted syntax which refers to irregular sentence structure. Intertextuality is also an important aspect of modern poetry. In addition, many modern poems feature a stream of consciousness and use of allusion and multiple association of words which are borrowed from other culture. Modern poet also convey a sense of alienation from the worlds. The most common characteristic of modern poetry is open form and free verse which is quite different from the fixed forms and meters of traditional poetry as well as it is marked by fragmentation and juxtaposition.  

1) ''The Embankment''- T.E.Hulme

Once, in finesse of fiddles found I ecstasy, 

 flash of gold heels on the hard pavement. 

Now see I 

That warmth’s the very stuff of poesy. 

Oh, God, make small 

The old star-eaten blanket of the sky, 

That I may fold it round me and in comfort lie.

This poem depicts the poverty of people through the use of metaphors like ‘fallen gentleman’, ‘Finesse of fiddles’, ‘Flash of gold hills’, ‘Star eaten blanket’. It may be related with sexual temptation. The metaphor fallen gentleman symbolize those who succumbed to sexual temptations and ruined his life emotionally and financially.

2) "Darkness"- by Joseph Campbell

I stop to watch a star shine in the boghole –

A star no longer, but a silver ribbon of light.

I look at it, and pass on.

  The theme of this poem  seems quite against of the Victorian theme of poetry. The title of the poem as well as 1st and 2nd lines of the poem presents the contradiction between dark and shiny star, by using this it may tell about the illusion of life.

3) "Image"- by Edward Storer

"Forsaken lovers,

Burning to a chaste white moon

upon strange pyres of loneliness and drought".

Generally the metaphor of love is used to reflect the connection of heart between two people but here the poet used it as something which burns the lovers. It represents the idea of loneliness among the modern people.

4)  “In a station of the Metro” – Ezra pound

          The apparition of these faces in the crowd:

           Petals on a wet, black bough.

This is a very short modern written by Ezra Pound. It is considered as the first haiku written in English but it lacks the traditional structure of haiku. "Petals on wet black bought" is a very good metaphor used by poet. Through this metaphor poet tells about the faces of individual in the metro. Lifelessness of the people of city is reflected in this poem.

 5)"The pool"- by Hilda Doolittle

"Are you alive?

I touched you

you quiver trembling like a sea fish

I cover you with my net

What are you banded one?

In a very different way this poem start with a question which is related existentialism and it is considered as a one of the important aspect of modern literature. The metaphor seafish seems to suggest that the life of modern people is controlled by authority.

6) "Insouciance"- By Richard Aldington

 "In and out of the dreary trenches

Trudging cheerily under the stars

I make for myself little poems

Delicate as a flock of dovesin 

Thy fly away like white-winged Doves.

This poem speaks about how people were living in modern age.  The word dreary trenches presents the loneliness in the life of modern people. In that isolation they try to relief themselves by writing down their feelings in a words. As poet says that, ‘I make for myself little poems’ through this poet express his feeling in isolation.

 7) “Morning at the Window”- T.S.Eliot

They are rattling breakfast plates in basement kitchens,
                  And along the trampled edges of the street
I am aware of the damp souls of housemaids
Sprouting despondently at area gates.
The brown waves of fog toss up to me
Twisted faces from the bottom of the street,
And tear from a passer-by with muddy skirts
An aimless smile that hovers in the air
And vanishes along the level of the roofs.

This short poem is a depiction of modern England. It highlights the issue of poverty faced by poor people who were living in slum area. We can find modern metaphors like , brown waves’, ‘twisted faces’, ‘aimless smile’ and ‘muddy skirt’ – it also gives an  idea about the poverty.

8) "The Red wheelbarrow- William carols William

 so much depends

a red wheel

glazed with rain

beside the white
 It is well known short poem by William carols William.In this poem we find a modern metaphors like a red wheelborrow’ and ‘white chicken’.  This metaphor are connected with field of agriculture. It represents the craftsmanship of farmer.

9) “Anecdote of the jar”-  Wallace Stevens

I placed a jar in Tennessee,   

And round it was, upon a hill.   

It made the slovenly wilderness   

Surround that hill.

The wilderness rose up to it,

And sprawled around, no longer wild.   

The jar was round upon the ground   

And tall and of a port in air.

It took dominion everywhere.   

The jar was gray and bare.

It did not give of bird or bush,   

Like nothing else in Tennessee.

Like a John Keats’s “The Grecian Urn”, this poem is also a exaggeration of the picture of jar. Thorough this poem poet also mocks on the industrialization of modern century. By using the metaphor jar poet provides us a vision to look at nature in a good manner.

10)   “ I” – E.E.Cummings

“A leaf falls with loneliness”

The poem is very short but it has very deep and various meanings. In this one line poem isolation is at the central idea of it. The leaf is fallen because of loneliness that’s why we can connect this idea with the idea of death.

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