
Wednesday 31 July 2019

"The Old Man and the Sea" by Ernest Hemingway

Thinking activity on "The Old Man and the Sea" by Ernest Hemingway

This blog is a part of my academic activity 
which was given to us during classroom discussion.

Can you mark a critical phase of your life?

Yes, but I will share later.

Do you have any such person whom you recall in the crisis?

          Yes, I meet children those who are poor but they are working not bagging. They are wandering one place to another place so they have a different experience of life. I learn a lot of things from them they are inspiring me to do something in life.
            They are saying that, you have everything in your life, you have to face many hurdles on your way but don't look back because problems are not a big problem but your attitude about the problem is a big problem so go ahead and full fill your dreams.

What is the importance of dream of lions in the novel?

            Santiago dreams of Lions on the beach in Africa three times. They represent virility and youth. The lion imagery at the end of the novel represents the hope of eternal life.
Hemingway quoting Santiago, the fisherman, talking to his young apprentice:
''When I was your age I was before the mast on a square the rigged ship that ran to Africa and I have seen lions on the beaches in the evening.''
When we see the lions next mentioned, it's in regard to Santiago's dreams:
''He no longer dreamed of storms, nor of women, nor of great occurrences, nor of great fish, nor fights, nor contests of strength, nor of his wife. He only dreamed of places now and of the lions on the beach. They played like young cats in the dusk and he loved them as he loved the boy.''

Do you have any such scene or image you frequently like to visit?

            Yes, I prefer to seat alone on the bank of rivers or on the beach where I can talk with myself...

            Highest point of the mountain gives inner peace that I have feel in Himachal Pradesh…

            Varanasi is one of my favorite place where I can feel freedom, Ganga's Ghat giving calmness to mind.

What is the reason of your obsession for that scene?
            Day by day life moving faster and faster and we have to run with people. We are living life but somewhere we forgot to enjoy life that’s why I like to go far from the speed world. Nature accepts everyone in any condition there is no partiality in nature like ore society so everyone can enjoy and get peace from nature so this the reason of my obsession for in nature.

Replace the old man with yourself.How would be the approach if you fail like the old man in life ?

Santiago is like One Man Army,

             If I replace myself with old man than to face society will be more complicated for me. It is easy to face other problems rather than society because they are taunting more so I have to make my willpower strong.

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