
Saturday 31 August 2019

Interpretation challenge on Breath

Interpretation challenge on Breath

Interpretation Challenge: Breath: The Shortest Play by Samuel Beckett

Breath by Samuel Beckett

      Breath is a shortest play written by Samuel Beckett in the 1969. There are many interpretation of this play but the one thing which remains common in all is about absurdity of life. In this play there is no use human or dialogues on the stage. We hear only the sound of cry and breath. There is nothing happen on the stage but we see waste garbage lying on the floor. Because of this quality this play is considered as absurd play which coveys the theme of existentialism.

 BREATH by Samuel Beckett

1. Faint light on stage littered with miscellaneous rubbish. Hold about five seconds.
2. Faint brief cry and immediately inspiration and slow increase of light together reaching maximum – together in about ten seconds. Silence and hold for about five seconds.
3. Expiration and slow decrease of light together reaching minimum together (light as in 1) in about ten seconds and immediately cry as before. Silence and hold about five seconds.

The breath is connected with life and death which is well symbolized with the use of curtain. As curtain up seems to suggest the birth of human and curtain down seems to suggest the death of human. In a way it presents reality of human life and reflects purposeless life of human. This may symbolize through the waste garbage on floor. This may also connect with that idea of choice through which we make our life like a waste garbage in a way meaninglessness. Increase and decrease of life seems to show the cycle of human life as happiness and sadness which keeps on coming.

Breath by Damien Hirst

      In this video we can see materialistic things in which people is born. The birth of  every person is happen in hospital which presented as full of garbage. Even at the moment of our birth we become a part of this polluted world. In the garbage there is also a computer which symbolizes advancement of technology. We have a proud on advancement of technology but it is same as rubbish. Everything which we used to considered as something great has not at all that much importance in our life. There is only absurdity in life.

Breath by Liana De Jourdan

      In this there are fresh fruits and vegetable and also a sound of crying is coming. It may present that in childhood or in younger age by eating fruits we live energetic and healthy but it does nit prevent us from death.

Breath- Modern Interpretation

      This video shows the modern era and paradox of science and nature. It also show the materialistic world in which human being are growing.  This play is longer than the original play and also includes many things which are not there in original play. It shows the life from childhood to death. Where everything is on the floor like garbage. There is no meaning of anything whatever we have done throughout life and at last everything is meaningless.

Monday 26 August 2019

Task on Methods of English Language Teaching

Task on Methods of English Language Teaching

This blog is a part of my task activity which was given to us in the paper of ELT-1.
Click Here for task link.

1.) Which method appealed you the most from the above-given methods? Give Reasons.
 It depends on the person where he is born, if he born in the family where English used more by members than he will learn easily but for me, Total Physical Response (TPR) teaching appealed the most. Total Physical Response is a language teaching method developed by James Asher.

2.) Tell something about your favorite method used by your teachers from School till PG. How is their method unique?
            Actually, I didn't get a good English teacher during school or high school life and I have not also tried to learn own self but mostly said that whatever you see try to get its English name and make your vocabulary rich because grammar has one fix form  and you have to just out various words to speak or write so make vocabulary rich.

3.) Tell something about the method you didn’t like from School till PG. Give Reasons.

            When I did mistakes in the homework of English subject at that time they give punishment to Write 10 times those spellings write. They should give meanings or understanding about words not just Rattaa of words....but no they gave punishment like write... writeeee.... and writeeeeeeeeeeeee.

Reflective blog- Teaching of Professor Balaji Ranganathan

Reflective blog- Teaching of Professor Balaji Ranganathan

            We have a guest lecture for Postcolonial studies by Balaji Ranganathan from 19th to 21st Aug. 2019. In these three days, we have discussed four units and background.

What is important Past, Present or  Future ???

We mostly live or suffer in our past that whatever happened with us in the past(study, job, relationship, success, goal), when we come out from past we worried about the future and we are not doing harder or focus in current the situation so it is harmful to the future so present is more important than past and the future.

keep the sense from the past and learn it
and be in present with a focus
 future will change automatically

Syllabus and research points

We are still studying the old syllabus and doing research about the past rather than focus on the present so somehow we are losing many things in a temporary time. We have to learn new things and adaptations with technology.

Knowledge bank

Keep update yourself with historical knowledge and temporary period and make personal data bank with years and with proof so it will be impressive and authentic. Don't blindly follow whatever people said about anything try to find and analyze all the things.
            Sir has great historical knowledge. He connected Indian history with post-colonialism. He said about freedom movements with years.

During these three days, we discussed four units and background

1. The Black skin White mask by Frantz Fanon
2. Orientalism by Edward Said
3. A Tempest by Aime Cesaire and
4. Imaginary Homeland by Salman Rushdie

The Black skin White mask by Frantz Fanon
            Black skin white mask, Frantz fanon combines autobiography, case study, philosophy and psychoanalytic theory in order to describe and analyze the experience of Black men and women in white-controlled societies.
            He talked about how white has fear of black, black craves to be white, a language of white and black, desire never sees color and

            How western countries see the middle east, how popular culture represents the middle east, the history of Palestine, and etc. In short, we can say that they all present things by their preconceived notions.


            How A Tempest is different from The Tempest,  how Shakespeare's work helped in Postcolonial studies,  how Aime Cesaire's re-writing leads the attention of scholars and   Albert Camus Rebel with the character calls Caliban.
            Furthermore he talked about IMAGINARY HOMELANDS. In that, he threw more light on diaspora,  ideas of nation and state, how people like Rushdie has to suffer and much more.

He said that start to think about these last 10 years, which types of change happened and do analysis about it. Don't be depend only on Rushdie but think new about temporary and try to explore your point of view.

Rashtra vs Desh

Rashtra vs Desh

कभी कभी सोचता हूँ की अपने "राष्ट्र ध्वज" से इतना डर क्यों है मुजे ?

ये बात नहीं है की मुजे नियम और रिवाज का पता नहीं है,

शायद ये सिर्फ देश का होता तो वो डर तो नहीं होता अपनाने मे

मेरे देश का ध्वज है ये, ये  सोच कर एक लहर गुजर जाती है दिलमे
"राष्ट्र ध्वज" कुछ भारीपन सा, डर जैसा महेसूस करवाता हे,

देश बोलने से मुजे खेत खलिहानों वाला हरा रंग महसूस होता है

पता नहीं इस राष्ट्र मे भगवा रंग कुछ भारी महेसूस करवाता है ।

विदेशमें अपने देशके ध्वज का रंग और आकार तो चड्डी बनियान में देखा है

वो तो वीज चोरी करते या कर चोरी करते या ट्राफिक सिग्नल तोड़ते या सरकारी जगह को सिर्फ खुदकी समज कर नाश करते हुये हमारे जितना तो नहीं देखा है ।

वो भी तो अपने देश से प्यार करते ही होंगे,,,राष्ट्र का नहीं पता...

Sometimes I'm thinking and I have listened from rationalists that Nation is just Imagination,  some persons also used these words as per his or her personal purpose.

Pre Task: Edgar Allan Poe's Short Stories

Pre Task: Edgar Allan Poe's Short Stories

·        List out various adjectives that contribute the most in creating the "pre-established design" or effect that the author intended to create.

અંધારી રાત, સાંકડી શેરી, એકલ વડિયો, નાનકડા જીવ...

·        Which are the phrases you find frightening? How are they placed in the text?

મોં માં આંગળી ઘાલી, હૈયા સૂના કર્યા, અંતરમાં લાઈ બળવી, નિગૂઢ રૂદન કરવુ, આંખ ચમકવી, ઢગલો થઈ પડવુ...

·        Can you find out any other lexical varieties such as figures of speech like simile, metaphor, personification etc? Briefly explain their significance in the story.

અવાજમાં ધીમી હલક, આભેય ફાટી જાય એવું હંસી, ચાલતું ગાડું ઘોડિયા જેમ બનવું...

·        What is the impact of listening  to the stories on your mind? Which Rasas/emotions erupt in you during and after the reading/listening sessions?

I was imaging situation of village life where in deep somewhere cruelty also happened in past and in current time also. It's creating sometime sad mood and we feel braveness of some character also.  

Thursday 15 August 2019

Movie riview: Midnight's Children's

Movies Review: Midnight's Children

Midnight's Children, here the title of the film also considered as one character in the film. It is based on the novel of Salman Rushdie's (British Indian writer) novel 'Midnight's Children'. The film directed by Deepa Mehta, it was released on 9 September 2012 (Toronto International Film Festival)

            Shiva and Saleem born within moments of India gaining independence from Britain, it is like born of India and Pakistan. Moments of Partition, Marxism,  Miscegenation and when Indira Gandhi came into power and she has taken the step of emergency in India and how India grow and what was the situation of people in India, we can see in the movie.

            When they born at that time different types of issues were raised outside like Marxism, Emergency and all so one character Mary changed the child's label and poor's child became suddenly rich and rich child become poor. Her lover was a Marxist so she has done that. It is showing the situation of people in India during independence.
            If we talk about current time than the situation is the same rich becoming richer, farmers are doing hard work on their farm but dealers and agents are earning more than them and big companies like reliance and Tata purchasing raw materials and they send to in the global market and they are more earning.

Telepathy, Black Magic and Technology
            Saleem was talking in telepathy with all children, who was born same time on that Midnight. Parvati named character has a power like Abrakadabra, she was doing black magic in the movie it is showing us the superstition of Indian people.
            In some of the scenes, we can see India's Space mission moments and maybe the Nuclear Program of India also shown. In the era of technology, people were believing and still believe in all these superstition things.

Miscegenation :
            When Vanita (street singer) came to sing and earn money from that landlord's house at that time white colonizer Methwold touches her in the back and she tries to go away, maybe it was not by her interest but the situation of the black poor lady was not good so she was in sexual relation with Methwold. Saleem was her child and real father was Methwold. There is also confusion in Parvati's child that who was the real father Saleem or Shiva ???

The Reluctant Fundamentalist

The Reluctant Fundamentalist movie directed by Mira nair, it was released in 2012. It is a political thriller film based on Mohsin Hamid's novel.

            Changez Khan narrates his story about his life in America. He is the hero of the film, he was very intellectual, he portrayed as a businessman and highly reputed figure in the movie. When the incident of the attack on WTC tower suddenly his life changed because he was born in Islamic religion and he was from an eastern country. He suffered a lot, people and his collogues abused and FBI also. Everyone was treated like he also part of terrorist groups. His personal life also disturbed because his lover Erica used his photographs for her project for her benefits, so he comes back to Pakistan and he starts revolutionary lectures in University. He wants to live a happy life in America but he not able to live peacefully in America or Pakistan.

Frame narrative technique

            Changezkhan saying the main story about the various incident of his life and parallel one story going on means story within the story. Bobby named one character follows him and he was spying so one story is presenting the present situation.
            The present story was very thrilling, I was eagerly waiting to know what will be next incident, this Frame narrative technique very catchy to attract the audience.

Postcolonial view

            When Changezkhan abused many times he returned in Pakistan then also Bobby (spy) came to meet Changezkhan as a journalist, Bobby (spy) tries to get information about Changezkhan that what he is doing in Pakistan. Bobby blames him that you are teaching terrorism in university. Changezkhan's innocent fellow died in the fire by Bobby, American agent's disloyalty we can see in the movie.

Tag of Pakistani

            Changezkhan's beloved Erica mention one line about him that "I had a Pakistani once" maybe she said innocently but this is also hurt to Changezkhan. Western countries mostly treating as a terrorist to the person who came from Islamic countries like Pakistan and Afghan and Iran-Iraq. 

The Black Prince
            ‘The Black Prince’ is an international historical film directed by Kavi Raz, it was published in 2017. 'The Black Prince' is a story of Queen Victoria and the Last King of Punjab, Maharajah Duleep Singh.
            Duleep Singh did lifelong struggles to regain his Kingdom. It takes him on an extraordinary journey across the world. In the end, he not able to get the victory but it was not only about kingmanship, it was for all who tried hard or fought for their pride and rights.

Postcolonial View: Dilemma of identity

            He was treated as royal prince by Queen Victoria's family but his attitude of prince I can't see in the movie. Even Victoria called him as a Black Prince. It is about inferiority and superiority.

            His mother Jind Kaur said that you are born to become King, not just a prince but the whole life he treated as Black Prince so maybe one fear of inferiority he was in dilemma of identity. He lived life as a Christian and also as Sikh.

Tuesday 13 August 2019

Colonialism, Imperialism and Postcolonialism

Colonialism, Imperialism and Postcolonialism

The term colonialism and imperialism are usually considered as having a some kind of common elements between them. But there is also a difference between them. It becomes a necessary to know about difference between colonialism and imperialism.
Ania Loomba discussed in detail about these terms in her Colonialism and Postcolonialism
What is Colonialism?

According to Oxford English Dictionary, the word colonialism come from the  Roman ‘colonia’ which meant ‘farm’ or ‘settlement’ and referred to Romans who settled in other lands but still retained their citizenship.

What is imperialism?
The OED defines,
‘Imperial’as pertaining to empire and imperialism as the ruler of an emperor, especially when despotic or arbitrary; the principal or spirit of empire; advocacy of what are held to be imperial interests.

It is incomplete...I'll write other points with some examples...

Monday 12 August 2019

Shashi Tharoor's various interpretation.

Shashi Tharoor's various interpretation.

Britishers considers them selves as a civilized person. But they forgot that what they have done in past for their selfish motives. In this videos we can see the backlash from Shashi Tharoor.


During colonial period britishers established roads, railways, schools postal service and etc. But all these things were for their comfort. We accepted English language for different purposes.

- Transportation

We are thankful to Britishers because Railways become most important part of India. But somewhere motive was selfish they never think about the benefits for Indian. Britishers used to supply raw material to their own countries and therefore they constructed railways in only a few parts of India where they can get raw material easily. He given example of Wilson Churchill.

-Partition Period

Partition is not like an individual activity it's about a large group of people but they took lightly that's why the relationship of Bharat Pakistan still not in good condition. Many bad incidents happened in the partition.

We have seen one movie in the class to see Colonial and Postcolonial points
The Black Prince
            ‘The Black Prince' is an international historical film directed by Kavi Raz, it was published in 2017. 'The Black Prince' is a story of Queen Victoria and the Last King of Punjab, Maharajah Duleep Singh.

            Duleep Singh done lifelong struggles to regain his Kingdom. It takes him on an extraordinary journey across the world. In the end, he not able to get the victory but it was not only about kingmanship, It was for all who tried hard or fought for their pride and rights.

Postcolonial View: Dilemma of identity

            He was treated as royal prince by Queen Victoria's family but his attitude of prince I can't see in the movie. Even Victoria was call him as a Black Prince. It is about inferiority and superiority.

            His mother Jind Kaur said that you are born to become King not just prince but whole life he treated as Black Prince so may be one fear of inferiority he was in dilemma of identity. He lived life as a Christian and also as Sikh.

Saturday 10 August 2019

અજ્ઞાતવાસ એક આનંદવાસ !?

અજ્ઞાતવાસ એક આનંદવાસ !?

            એક એવી ઓળખ પણ 'છુપી' જેને એક સ્ત્રી અને પાંચ પુરુષ પાત્ર એ ભૂતકાળમાં ભજવી. ઘણા લોકો તેના જેવી જ હજુય ભજવી રહ્યા છે અને કદાચ ભજવતા પણ રહેશે.

એ લોકો બોલ્યા તો ખોટું જ ને....???
આપડી જેમ...

            અજાણી જગ્યાએ જઈને જે જીવી શકાય તે હંમેશા બેધડક અને બિન્દાસ હોય છે, જ્યાં કોઈની દરકાર કે પસંદ નાપસંદ જોવી ના પડે. મન ફાવે તે કરવાની મજા અહીંયા છે, જ્યાં કોઈ કહેવા વાળું, રોકવા વાળું કે અટકાવવા વાળું નથી ત્યાં જીવવાનો આનંદ અનોખો હોય છે અને આ અહેસાસ કાશીના ઘાટે કરાવ્યો છે મને. હવે મુખ્ય વાત કરું જેની વાત કરવા માંગુ છે તે.

            'સેરંદ્રી' મુળવાત છે મહાભારતના એક ભાગની જેમાં પાંચેય ભાઈઓ અને એની પત્નીએ એક જીંદગી શર્ત પ્રમાણે જીવી જેને કંઇક પોતાની પસંદ પ્રમાણે કામ કરીને પોતાના શોખને જીવવા કદાચ તેઓ ઈચ્છી રહ્યા હોય. વિરાટ રાજાના રાજ્યમાં પાંડવોએ ગાળેલો અજ્ઞાતવાસ જેના વિશે વિચારો રજૂ કરું છું જે ફક્ત કલ્પના છે.

યુધિષ્ઠિર (કંક)

            એક હારના ભાર સાથે જીવતું વ્યક્તિ જે રાજા સાથે બેસીને  જુગટુ રમે છે  જે શીખવે છે અને શીખે પણ છે. હંમેશા જે કારણથી મુશ્કેલી આવે તે ઘા ને રૂજવવા તે શીખવું જરૂરી હોય છે કદાચ તે આ ભાર હળવો કરી રહ્યા હશે...

ભીમ (બલ્લવ)

            હું અવનવી રસોઈ બનાવી જાણું છું અને મલ્લયુદ્ધ મારો બરબરીયો કોઈ ના થઈ શકે. ભીમે રસોઈયા બનીને રસોઈ બનાવી બનાવીને રસોડાને ખાલી કરી પેટ ભરીને મજા લીધી હોય અને પોતાનું બળ મલ્લયુદ્ધમાં કાઢીને મેદાનમાં માણસોના હાડકા ખોખરા કરીને શક્તિ પ્રદર્શન કર્યું હશે.

અર્જુન (બ્રુહન્નલા)

            હું નપુસંક છું પણ નૃત્યમાં નિપુણ અને ગાયનમાં કુશળ છું અને શીખવી પણ શકું તેમ કહીને રાજાની દીકરી ઉત્તરાના શિક્ષક તરીકે રહ્યા. નાનપણથી તીરકામઠાં લઈને બસ બહાદુરી અને પરાક્રમો દેખાડવામાં મનોરંજનને ચૂક્યા હશે એટલે નૃત્ય શીખવનાર તરીકે રહીને નૃત્યને મહત્વ આપ્યું અને તેમણે મનોરંજનની મજા લીધી હશે.

નકુલ (ગ્રંથીક)

            હું ઘોડાની જાત ઓળખી શકું અને ખોડવાળા ને પારખી શકું ઔષધી જાણું છું અને ઘોડા અને ઘોડીને શ્રેષ્ઠ રીતે કેળવી જાણું છું. અશ્વો સાથે રહીને પોતાની અશ્વસવારીના શોખ પૂરા કર્યા હશે.

સહદેવ (તંતુપાલ)

તેણે કહ્યું ગાયો નો વધારો કેમ કરવો,તેને થતા રોગના ઉપાયો તે જાણે છે તેમ કહીને રાજાને પોતાની વાતમાં મનાવ્યા. ગાય કે જેનું આમ તો ધાર્મિક મૂલ્ય તો ખરું જ પણ ધન પણ એજ તો હતું એટલે સહદેવ ગૌશાળામાં રહીને ગૌસેવા કરીને ઘણું બધું શીખ્યા હશે.

દ્રોપદી,સેરંધ્રી, (માલિની)

રાણી બનીને રહેલી એક સ્ત્રી જેણે કદાચ ક્યારેય કોઈ કામ નહિ કર્યું હોય. તે સારો અંબોડો બાંધી જાણે છે, ફૂલોની માળા અને અંગરાગ માટે ચંદન ઘસી જાણે છે આમ અમુક શર્તો સાથે તે રાણી સુદેષણા સાથે રહી તેની સેવા કરે છે. કદાચ ઘરસંસારના કામ કેવા હોય તેનો અનુભવ લેવાનો મોકો મળ્યો. એક સ્ત્રી સેવા કરીને જે કંઈ શીખતી હોય કેવી રીતે શૃંગાર કરાઈ, ઘરમાં શુશોભન કેવી રીતે કરાઈ તે કરવાની તક તેને મેળવવી ગમી હોય.

કદાચ જ્યાં કોઈ જાણ પિછાણ ન હોય ત્યાં જીંદગી કંઇક અલગ રીતે જીવી શકાય અને જે કરો તે અને જેમાં શરમ પણ ન લાગે. જે ગમે તે કરી શકવાની આઝાદી અજાણ્યા હોઈએ ત્યાં સુધી મળે અને તેને માણવાની પણ મજા આવે. બસ કંઇક આવું આ લોકોએ પણ માણ્યું હોય.

વિચારો આવશે એટલે કલ્પના નોંધતો જઈશ...

Monday 5 August 2019

Elements of transcendentalism and anti-transcendentalism from The Scarlet Letter.

Elements of transcendentalism and anti-transcendentalism from The Scarlet Letter.

          The Scarlet Letter is based upon Puritan society in the mid 1600s. This time period was significant since Hawthorne was part of the anti-transcendentalist literary movement, which attempted to expose the flawed nature of human life.

The transcendentalist movement, in contrast, was very popular in his time period (19th century), which is why Hawthorne used his writing as a way to counter the widespread utopian beliefs that were present because of it.

Transcendentalism is the opposite of anti-transcendentalism, as it propagated the idea that the nature is categorically good. One transcendentalist theme we see in The Scarlet Letter is that of the individual versus society. Condemned and ostracized for the sin of adultery, Hester lives figuratively and literally on the outskirts of the Puritan community with Pearl, the daughter Hester conceived during her affair.

Anti-transcendentalism responded to transcendentalism by proving that human nature is corrupt and will forever be tarnished by elements such as guilt and sin. Anti-transcendentalism is a predominant theme within The Scarlet Letter. For instance, the focus on the punishment that the main character, Hester, was inflicted with for committing adultery exposes how regressive society was just two centuries before the time of publishing. Writing about this shows the 19th century public how susceptible people are to being immoral, not only in terms of Hester’s actions, but also the public’s reactions to her.
Hawthorne paints in The Scarlet Letter, he effectively established a theme of anti-transcendentalism.


" To The Lighthouse" Blog task

" To The Lighthouse" Blog task

This blog is a part of my thinking activity given by a teacher on 'To the Lighthouse', by Virginia Woolf.

1- How can you explain that 'what' Virginia Woolf wanted to say (for example, the complexity of human relationship, the everyday battles that people are at in their relationship with near and dear ones, the struggle of a female artist against the values of middle/upper class society etc) can only be said in the way she has said?

- Virginia Woolf used a stream of consciousness technique 3rd person narrative to move from one to another character's mind. It is useful if we want to write about others, we can write what they are thinking.

          Yes, we all are struggling every day to make happy to each other especially to a person who is superior in our home, we are hiding  our likes and dislikes because we want to live together to be happy. Here Mrs. Ramsay also facing this problem every day, in some scene, I've seen that she is acting as she is happy but inside truth is different.

          If I talk about artists than they were facing troubles in the past and in the future may be they have to suffer when any women artist want to arise than society will stand against her and nobody will anchorage her. Lily was facing the same problem in the novel.

2- Do you agree: "The novel is both the tribute and critique of Mrs. Ramsay"? (Key: Take some clues from the painting of Mrs. Ramsay drawn by Lily Briscoe and the article by Andre Viola and Glenn Pedersen. Can we read Mrs. R in the context of the idea of Ideal Indian Woman - Karyeshu dasi, Karaneshu manthri; Bhojeshu mata, Shayaneshu rambha; Kshamayeshu dharithri, Roopeshu lakshmi; Satkarma yukta, Kuladharma pathni. )

            Mrs. Ramsay considered as an ' Angle of the House' in the novel and if we talk about our culture than the ladylike Mrs. Ramsay will maybe favorite in the future also. She is reaming live in others' minds because she gives her best to her family members but somewhere she was not happy inside so we have seen these both situations. When we read the different articles than we can feel that Ramsay took as a so-called angel in the novel.

          Here, women writing about women so sometimes I have felt that the writer has portrays herself in Lily's character and she want to say that, in the patriarchy women like Lily not liked by males. She is also doing activities like painting and writing so she breaks that an idea “women can’t paint can’t write”. So the novel is both the tribute and critique of Mrs. Ramsay.

3- Considering symbolically, does the Lighthouse stands for Mrs. Ramsay or the narrator (Virginia Woolf herself who is categorically represented by Lily)? (Key: Take help from the presentation on Symbolism to connect Mrs. Caroline Ramsay with Lighthouse. Secondly, the narrator / author cannot fully disappear from the novel and thus the stoicism of Lily to paint and thus prove that she can paint, is symbolically presented in stoicism of Lighthouse.

          Light'house' is a symbol of spiritual strength and emotional guidance and here in this house Mrs. Ramsay making a spiritual bridge between other human and she is given all the services to others to make happy them as lighthouse doing and helping.

          It is my opinion that whenever I think or imagine about the lighthouse, I imagine the single property as it is Lily I have imagined as a lighthouse stand. lighthouse also standing alone to prove itself. "Women can't write or paint" as the lighthouse also has to suffer many storms and waves into the sea. but ultimately at the last, Lily proves herself by completing her painting that she can stand alone and prove herself against a patriarchal society, so Lily is more suitable.

4- In the article by Joseph Blotner, two myths are patterned together. Name the myths? How they are zeroed down to the symbols of 'Window' and 'Lighthouse'? How does the male phallic symbol represent feminine Mrs. Ramsay? (Key: The strokes of light-beams. . . )

          Myth of Oedipus, we can see in the character of James and Mrs. Ramsay.

James always hates his father and he always tried to live closer to his mother and Mrs. Ramsay's goal also is to care for her son James. She has given always the first priority to her son.

          Myth of Pagan, Mrs. Ramsay remains in threefold relation. As a Rhea, Demeter and Persephone. In the pagan Myth women as a superior and in Christian Myth women as an inferior.

5- What do you understand by the German term 'Künstlerroman'? How can you justify that 'To The Lighthouse' is 'Künstlerroman' novel?

            Künstlerroman, (German: “artist’s novel”), class of Bildungsroman, or apprenticeship novel, that deals with the youth and development of an individual who becomes—or is on the threshold of becoming—a painter, musician, or poet.

            In the novel Augustus Carmechael struggles to write the poem, Here the same way Lily also throughout the novel tries to complete the painting. In the third part, she completes the painting of Mrs. Ramsay, and finally, she has had her own vision.

6- "...the wages of obedience is death, and the daughter that reproduces mothering to perfection, including child-bearing, already has on her cheeks the pallor of death. One reminded here of various texts by Lucy Irigaray, in which she attacks mothers for being, however unwillingly, accomplices in the patriarchal system of oppression." (Viola). In light of this remark, explain briefly Lily's dilemma in 'To The Lighthouse'.

          By these lines, we can say that Lily is in dilemma because of patriarchy. Mrs. Ramsay also gave support to patriarchy and she is also trying to teach follow the same rule of patriarchy and we know that here Lily want to live with freedom.

          According to Mrs. Ramsay, women need family and relationships to be a live lifetime in others' heart and here Lily not agree to be obedience. By following the order one gets death Prue died because she follows her mother's order to get married. The reason of Prue's death in childbirth, which again is the idea of an ideal or perfect woman. I think she may think that There is nothing good to be an Angel of the house or to be a mother.

          Lily given constantly mental fight but in the end, she again thinks about Mrs. Ramsay that Mrs. Ramsay remains in everyone's heart even after her death. So she is in dilemma, what she has to do?

7-  You have compared the 'beginning' and the 'ending' of the novel and the film adaptation of the novel directed by Colin Gregg. Do you think that the novel is more poignant than the movie? If yes, do you ascribe the fact that the power of words is much greater than that of the screen / visuals?

          Yes it is, there are a few differences between the novel and a movie. The opening scene of Novel comes in a film almost after an hour. Most of the scenes run faster compared to the novel. In the novel, Lily just puts her brush. While in a movie she goes upstairs and starts talking with herself.

8- How do you interpret the last line of the novel (It was done; it was finished.
Yes, she thought, laying down her brush in extreme fatigue, I have had my vision.) with reference to the ending of the film (After the final stroke on the canvass with finishing touch, Lily walks inside the house. As she goes ante-chamber, the light and dark shade makes his face play hide-and-seek. She climbs stairs, puts her brush aside, walks through the dark and light to enter her room. Gently closes the door - speaks: "Closed doors, open windows" - lies on the bed and with some sort of satisfaction utters: "Dearest Briscoe, you are a fool".)

          It is a little bit hard to give an accurate answers because she has painted Mrs. Ramsay's painting but something was missing in that picture. In the movie, frames were showing that she was mood less.

           In the novel I think she was happy to get freedom and she has proved that women can paint and write. Mrs. Ramsay was alive in her painting for womanhood and her qualities but after getting the success against the patriarchal society. She proves herself but she not able to come out from her inner struggle.

9- What does the catalog named as 'Army and Navy' signify? What does the cutting of 'Refrigerator'  signify?

'Army and navy' catalog signifies a time of war.
Mr. Ramsay's bigger son dies in the war. So here the catalog named as ' Army and Navy ' represents the war and consumerism.

' Refrigerator' preserve the things as it is
Normally we use a refrigerator for keeping the things as it is and here we can find those things in Mrs. Ramsay, she always tries to preserve the refined form of culture as it is her responsibility so we can say she remains as a preserver of the culture like traditional woman.

10- Why did Virginia give such prominence to the tale of the “Fisherman’s Wife”? In particular, why did she weave such a misogynist tale into the fabric of a book which so eloquently challenges received patriarchal notions about the roles and capabilities of women?

           The writer wants to do satire on women character through the tale of the  "Fisherman's Wife", which is told by Mrs. Ramsay to James. in that story fisherman's wife was too much demanding, she presented as a dull character and here in the novel when Mrs. Ramsay dies her husband suffers a lot of issues because he was depending on his wife. In the patriarchy some males fail because of depending nature.

11- How is India represented in 'To The Lighthouse'? 
(Read this blog for  passing reference)

12- Write summaries of these articles:
Mythic Patterns in To The Lighthouse
Fluidity vs Masculinity: Lily's Dilemma in Woolf's To The Lighthouse
Vision in To The Lighthouse by Glenn Pedersen