
Monday 12 August 2019

Shashi Tharoor's various interpretation.

Shashi Tharoor's various interpretation.

Britishers considers them selves as a civilized person. But they forgot that what they have done in past for their selfish motives. In this videos we can see the backlash from Shashi Tharoor.


During colonial period britishers established roads, railways, schools postal service and etc. But all these things were for their comfort. We accepted English language for different purposes.

- Transportation

We are thankful to Britishers because Railways become most important part of India. But somewhere motive was selfish they never think about the benefits for Indian. Britishers used to supply raw material to their own countries and therefore they constructed railways in only a few parts of India where they can get raw material easily. He given example of Wilson Churchill.

-Partition Period

Partition is not like an individual activity it's about a large group of people but they took lightly that's why the relationship of Bharat Pakistan still not in good condition. Many bad incidents happened in the partition.

We have seen one movie in the class to see Colonial and Postcolonial points
The Black Prince
            ‘The Black Prince' is an international historical film directed by Kavi Raz, it was published in 2017. 'The Black Prince' is a story of Queen Victoria and the Last King of Punjab, Maharajah Duleep Singh.

            Duleep Singh done lifelong struggles to regain his Kingdom. It takes him on an extraordinary journey across the world. In the end, he not able to get the victory but it was not only about kingmanship, It was for all who tried hard or fought for their pride and rights.

Postcolonial View: Dilemma of identity

            He was treated as royal prince by Queen Victoria's family but his attitude of prince I can't see in the movie. Even Victoria was call him as a Black Prince. It is about inferiority and superiority.

            His mother Jind Kaur said that you are born to become King not just prince but whole life he treated as Black Prince so may be one fear of inferiority he was in dilemma of identity. He lived life as a Christian and also as Sikh.

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