
Saturday 31 August 2019

Interpretation challenge on Breath

Interpretation challenge on Breath

Interpretation Challenge: Breath: The Shortest Play by Samuel Beckett

Breath by Samuel Beckett

      Breath is a shortest play written by Samuel Beckett in the 1969. There are many interpretation of this play but the one thing which remains common in all is about absurdity of life. In this play there is no use human or dialogues on the stage. We hear only the sound of cry and breath. There is nothing happen on the stage but we see waste garbage lying on the floor. Because of this quality this play is considered as absurd play which coveys the theme of existentialism.

 BREATH by Samuel Beckett

1. Faint light on stage littered with miscellaneous rubbish. Hold about five seconds.
2. Faint brief cry and immediately inspiration and slow increase of light together reaching maximum – together in about ten seconds. Silence and hold for about five seconds.
3. Expiration and slow decrease of light together reaching minimum together (light as in 1) in about ten seconds and immediately cry as before. Silence and hold about five seconds.

The breath is connected with life and death which is well symbolized with the use of curtain. As curtain up seems to suggest the birth of human and curtain down seems to suggest the death of human. In a way it presents reality of human life and reflects purposeless life of human. This may symbolize through the waste garbage on floor. This may also connect with that idea of choice through which we make our life like a waste garbage in a way meaninglessness. Increase and decrease of life seems to show the cycle of human life as happiness and sadness which keeps on coming.

Breath by Damien Hirst

      In this video we can see materialistic things in which people is born. The birth of  every person is happen in hospital which presented as full of garbage. Even at the moment of our birth we become a part of this polluted world. In the garbage there is also a computer which symbolizes advancement of technology. We have a proud on advancement of technology but it is same as rubbish. Everything which we used to considered as something great has not at all that much importance in our life. There is only absurdity in life.

Breath by Liana De Jourdan

      In this there are fresh fruits and vegetable and also a sound of crying is coming. It may present that in childhood or in younger age by eating fruits we live energetic and healthy but it does nit prevent us from death.

Breath- Modern Interpretation

      This video shows the modern era and paradox of science and nature. It also show the materialistic world in which human being are growing.  This play is longer than the original play and also includes many things which are not there in original play. It shows the life from childhood to death. Where everything is on the floor like garbage. There is no meaning of anything whatever we have done throughout life and at last everything is meaningless.

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