
Monday 26 August 2019

Task on Methods of English Language Teaching

Task on Methods of English Language Teaching

This blog is a part of my task activity which was given to us in the paper of ELT-1.
Click Here for task link.

1.) Which method appealed you the most from the above-given methods? Give Reasons.
 It depends on the person where he is born, if he born in the family where English used more by members than he will learn easily but for me, Total Physical Response (TPR) teaching appealed the most. Total Physical Response is a language teaching method developed by James Asher.

2.) Tell something about your favorite method used by your teachers from School till PG. How is their method unique?
            Actually, I didn't get a good English teacher during school or high school life and I have not also tried to learn own self but mostly said that whatever you see try to get its English name and make your vocabulary rich because grammar has one fix form  and you have to just out various words to speak or write so make vocabulary rich.

3.) Tell something about the method you didn’t like from School till PG. Give Reasons.

            When I did mistakes in the homework of English subject at that time they give punishment to Write 10 times those spellings write. They should give meanings or understanding about words not just Rattaa of words....but no they gave punishment like write... writeeee.... and writeeeeeeeeeeeee.


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  2. Overall Good One! Referring to your answer 2, Which Method you would like to use as a teacher further for Grammar?
