
Thursday 15 August 2019

Movie riview: Midnight's Children's

Movies Review: Midnight's Children

Midnight's Children, here the title of the film also considered as one character in the film. It is based on the novel of Salman Rushdie's (British Indian writer) novel 'Midnight's Children'. The film directed by Deepa Mehta, it was released on 9 September 2012 (Toronto International Film Festival)

            Shiva and Saleem born within moments of India gaining independence from Britain, it is like born of India and Pakistan. Moments of Partition, Marxism,  Miscegenation and when Indira Gandhi came into power and she has taken the step of emergency in India and how India grow and what was the situation of people in India, we can see in the movie.

            When they born at that time different types of issues were raised outside like Marxism, Emergency and all so one character Mary changed the child's label and poor's child became suddenly rich and rich child become poor. Her lover was a Marxist so she has done that. It is showing the situation of people in India during independence.
            If we talk about current time than the situation is the same rich becoming richer, farmers are doing hard work on their farm but dealers and agents are earning more than them and big companies like reliance and Tata purchasing raw materials and they send to in the global market and they are more earning.

Telepathy, Black Magic and Technology
            Saleem was talking in telepathy with all children, who was born same time on that Midnight. Parvati named character has a power like Abrakadabra, she was doing black magic in the movie it is showing us the superstition of Indian people.
            In some of the scenes, we can see India's Space mission moments and maybe the Nuclear Program of India also shown. In the era of technology, people were believing and still believe in all these superstition things.

Miscegenation :
            When Vanita (street singer) came to sing and earn money from that landlord's house at that time white colonizer Methwold touches her in the back and she tries to go away, maybe it was not by her interest but the situation of the black poor lady was not good so she was in sexual relation with Methwold. Saleem was her child and real father was Methwold. There is also confusion in Parvati's child that who was the real father Saleem or Shiva ???

The Reluctant Fundamentalist

The Reluctant Fundamentalist movie directed by Mira nair, it was released in 2012. It is a political thriller film based on Mohsin Hamid's novel.

            Changez Khan narrates his story about his life in America. He is the hero of the film, he was very intellectual, he portrayed as a businessman and highly reputed figure in the movie. When the incident of the attack on WTC tower suddenly his life changed because he was born in Islamic religion and he was from an eastern country. He suffered a lot, people and his collogues abused and FBI also. Everyone was treated like he also part of terrorist groups. His personal life also disturbed because his lover Erica used his photographs for her project for her benefits, so he comes back to Pakistan and he starts revolutionary lectures in University. He wants to live a happy life in America but he not able to live peacefully in America or Pakistan.

Frame narrative technique

            Changezkhan saying the main story about the various incident of his life and parallel one story going on means story within the story. Bobby named one character follows him and he was spying so one story is presenting the present situation.
            The present story was very thrilling, I was eagerly waiting to know what will be next incident, this Frame narrative technique very catchy to attract the audience.

Postcolonial view

            When Changezkhan abused many times he returned in Pakistan then also Bobby (spy) came to meet Changezkhan as a journalist, Bobby (spy) tries to get information about Changezkhan that what he is doing in Pakistan. Bobby blames him that you are teaching terrorism in university. Changezkhan's innocent fellow died in the fire by Bobby, American agent's disloyalty we can see in the movie.

Tag of Pakistani

            Changezkhan's beloved Erica mention one line about him that "I had a Pakistani once" maybe she said innocently but this is also hurt to Changezkhan. Western countries mostly treating as a terrorist to the person who came from Islamic countries like Pakistan and Afghan and Iran-Iraq. 

The Black Prince
            ‘The Black Prince’ is an international historical film directed by Kavi Raz, it was published in 2017. 'The Black Prince' is a story of Queen Victoria and the Last King of Punjab, Maharajah Duleep Singh.
            Duleep Singh did lifelong struggles to regain his Kingdom. It takes him on an extraordinary journey across the world. In the end, he not able to get the victory but it was not only about kingmanship, it was for all who tried hard or fought for their pride and rights.

Postcolonial View: Dilemma of identity

            He was treated as royal prince by Queen Victoria's family but his attitude of prince I can't see in the movie. Even Victoria called him as a Black Prince. It is about inferiority and superiority.

            His mother Jind Kaur said that you are born to become King, not just a prince but the whole life he treated as Black Prince so maybe one fear of inferiority he was in dilemma of identity. He lived life as a Christian and also as Sikh.

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