
Monday 26 August 2019

Pre Task: Edgar Allan Poe's Short Stories

Pre Task: Edgar Allan Poe's Short Stories

·        List out various adjectives that contribute the most in creating the "pre-established design" or effect that the author intended to create.

અંધારી રાત, સાંકડી શેરી, એકલ વડિયો, નાનકડા જીવ...

·        Which are the phrases you find frightening? How are they placed in the text?

મોં માં આંગળી ઘાલી, હૈયા સૂના કર્યા, અંતરમાં લાઈ બળવી, નિગૂઢ રૂદન કરવુ, આંખ ચમકવી, ઢગલો થઈ પડવુ...

·        Can you find out any other lexical varieties such as figures of speech like simile, metaphor, personification etc? Briefly explain their significance in the story.

અવાજમાં ધીમી હલક, આભેય ફાટી જાય એવું હંસી, ચાલતું ગાડું ઘોડિયા જેમ બનવું...

·        What is the impact of listening  to the stories on your mind? Which Rasas/emotions erupt in you during and after the reading/listening sessions?

I was imaging situation of village life where in deep somewhere cruelty also happened in past and in current time also. It's creating sometime sad mood and we feel braveness of some character also.  

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